Saturday, August 30


We live in a current time where we do things just because. I do believe that everything happens for a reason. Maybe if we did something, we did it because of something or someone. I wrote this poem because I wrote it for a special someone.


We live in a very crazy world
Where almost all has no enough meaning
Where we do things just because
Where we aren't brave enough to face king truth
Where we are ashamed to be accoutable
Where we don't embrace every consequence
Where we aren't confident that we loved what we did

To you, whom I shared a part of my crazy world,
I meant that, what had happened,
It's not a deed of just because
It's not a deed that I don't want to face
It's a deed where I want to tell you
That I meant it because I like you

Let this be my piece of peace
Let this be my letter of intent and meaning
That what I did has meaning in me
Not just because of a spur in the moment
It is because I want to share my life with you

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