Thursday, September 8

The Reason

You are the reason why I do have perfect mornings
A great start for my day, just a thought of you

You are the cause why I smile every now and then
Though full of problems, you are the one I hold on to

You are the one that keeps me sane and not bane
You changed me, you brought out the best in me

You are the reason why I fall to sleep at night
For i know, when I wake up you'll still be there

And you are the reason why I wake up every morning
For it is my purpose to give it back, to make you smile

You are the best choice by far that I won't regret
You are my happiness I've been wanting and looking
You are simply that lucky girl I want to give myself
And I know you'll be the reason of my existence

//Written in the month of May, a very productive month for me with regards to writing poems :)
//Making her simply the reason of everything, an attribution why you are at your best :)

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