Thursday, April 26

Fairy Tale

The inspiration of this writing is a song I recently loved - Payphone by Maroon 5. I was enticed with the line "If happy ever-after did exist..." Also, last night was the first time I watched Tangled, a fairy tale in itself. What a combo! Here comes the poem:

It is all in my mind
The replays and flashbacks
Of what used to be us
Of smiles not frown

I remember the happy days
When you and me run our world
Where everyone looks for us
For they envy our joy

I reminisce on the glory days
When you make me smile
And i make you smile
Every day until night

It seemed a royal story
I'm your king and you're my queen
We share everything we have
From riches to emotions
From frowns to smiles
Our life, we shared to ourselves

You're my lucky star
The guide that gave the light
One saved me from misery
One I'm thankful to have

But all good things must end
It seemed a happy ending
But after the glory was never told
It will all be a story, only a story
That will never be confirmed
No actual artifacts to prove it
Can be just my imagination

If happy ever-after did exist
Everything won't just be a memory
You won't just be a part of the past
For I will be holding you so tight
Never letting you go once more